BIOMAG 2018, Philadelphia,USA, 26th-30th of August
BIOMAG is reputable international conference for researchers working in the field of biomagnetism covering the most recent research and technological trends in the field. This year the conference is held in Philadeplhia, PA, USA.
MAMBO groub has again strong contribution to the upcoming BIOMAG 2018 conference. Read below the contributions of the members of the MAMBO group.
MONday August 27, POSTER session M1:
Resting state/functional connectivity
Alessio Basti: "A multivariate method for disclosing the directionality
of frequency-specific neural interactions from biomagnetic signals"
MONday August 27, POSTER session M2:
Algorithms and source estimation
Federico Chella: "Improving MEG–MRI co-registration for reliable MEG connectivity analysis"
wednesday August 29, Panel session 5: Neuronal oscillations at multiple spatio-temporal scales: from methods to brain’s function and dysfunction(s)
Laura Marzetti: "Large-scale synchronization in ongoing brain activity by multidimensional connectivity"
Vittorio Pizzella: "Frequency specificity of the brain networks in healthy and clinical population"